
I'm Dhanush.

I'm a Full-stack Engineer with a strong passion for building web application with great user experiences.
Here's a bit about me.

Here are some of my projects

  • Library Website

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React libraries

    The Library Website is an online platform where users can browse, sort, and purchase books.The website includes a Books section where users can view all available books and sort them based on various parameters such as author, genre, and publication year. The website also includes a Cart section where users can add and remove books from their cart before proceeding to checkout.

  • Game-Website

    Vite,React,TypeScript & chakra

    API used: rawg.io

    project is a game recommendation system built using Vite, ReactJS, TypeScript, and Chakra. The system allows users to search for games based on their preferred genre and platform, making it easier for them to find games that they can play on their chosen platform.

    The use of ReactJS and Chakra allows for a responsive and visually appealing user interface, while the inclusion of TypeScript adds static type checking to the codebase, making it easier to catch errors and bugs during development. Additionally, the use of Vite allows for faster development and builds, making the development process more efficient.
